MasterCard to Offer Travel Gifts Worth Over $50,000 at Travel Fair
MasterCard International announced that it will be awarding over $50,000 in travel gifts of merchandise and prizes to its card members who use their MasterCard branded cards at the Malaysia Airline Travel Fair. This year the convention is to be held at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur. In 2004, more than 120,000 visitors attended the travel fair.
“As travel becomes increasingly part of our cardholders’ lifestyle, MasterCard’s continued participation within the travel sphere underscores our commitment in offering our cardholders the best in their holiday and travel experience,” Brunei Jim Cheah, vice president and senior country manager for MasterCard in Malaysia said in a statement.
The Mastercard gift give-away is structured on several spending levels, with the first level travel gift being a travel organiser. Larger Mastercard purchases will earn chances to win gifts including MAS Golden Holidays three-day/two-night free and easy package for two to Kota Kinabalu, Kuantan, Langkawi, Kuching, Penang or Terengganu and spending money. Cash gifts will also be awarded. Travel fairs are also scheduled to occur in Penang, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching.
MasterCard to Offer Travel Gifts Worth Over $50,000 at Travel Fair
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 10:45 AM

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