Survey of Best Baby Gifts Released
A survey of the most popular baby gifts has recently been released. The list of baby gift items ranged from the very practical disposable diapers to a grinder for turning steamed vegetables into homemade baby food. Topping the list of most appreciated new baby gifts were diapers, wipes, burp cloths, blankets, terrycloth covers for changing-table pads, crib sheets, waterproof mattress pad for the crib, practical clothing in larger sizes, onesies, baby bathtub, diaper bag, front carrier or sling, vibrating bouncy seat, exersaucer, digital-camera and supplies, book or journal for recording baby milestones, board books such as "Goodnight Moon," "Guess How Much I Love You," Dr. Seuss, parenting magazine subscription, home-cooked meals, gift certificate for a housecleaning service, gifts for an older sibling who may be feeling left out by all the new-baby talk anything handmade such as quilts.
Survey of Best Baby Gifts Released
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 9:37 AM

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