Survey Reveals Valentines Day Gift Lists for Both Men & Women
A recent national Valentines Day survey reveals greeting cards as the leader of both Valentine's Day gift giving lists and wish lists for men and women. Candy and flowers also rank just after Valentine's day cards as the top anticipated holiday gift purchases.
Results of the survey, in order of popularity, show that the top five Valentine's gifts men plan to give are Valentine cards, flowers, candy, jewelry and lingerie. Conversely, women ranked as their most anticipated Valentines gifts, ordered by most wished for, Valentine's Day cards, flowers, jewelry, candy and spa-personal care products.
The survey reports that women are planning to give cards, candy, flowers, cologne and watches or jewelry, ranked in order of popularity. Men, on the other hand, wish most for Valentine's Day cards, followed by candy, watches or jewelry, cologne and boxer shorts-underwear.
Survey Reveals Valentines Day Gift Lists for Both Men & Women
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 1:20 PM

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