Christmas Gift Ideas Changing as Plastic Surgery Presents Surge
Gift industry analysts are contininuing to report Christmas gift sales for 2004. Overall world sales are reported to have been mixed. At the same time, popular Christmas holiday gifts have changed in nature. Australia Christmas gift sales are reporting to have been very good, while in the US and Britain the news is "good, but not great". Surprisingly, one of the most popular new Christmas gift ideas in the US for 2004 was plastic surgery.
Specifically, US holiday gift sales rose between 2 and 4.5% from the previous year, with online sales seeing the largest growth. Australian holiday sales were $11.5 billion, up 7% from 2003. Strong post-Christmas sales were also reported across the country, with retailers forecasting such sales to be up between 5 and 8% over last year. The only noticable negative change was in Australian retailer attitudes over the fact that they were not allowed to open on Boxing Day.
Consumer electronics have measured to be very popular Christmas gift ideas this year, especially ultra-slim DVD players, game consoles and music players; most notibly the iPod. Perfumes and fragrances also topped the list, with Britney Spears' Curious brand of perfume the leader. Plastic surgeons in the US reported that make-overs were a very popular Christmas present.
The Associated Press reported that breasts, tummies and faces all received significant attention, as husbands and boyfriends splashed out on something special for their partners. Liposuction and breast augmentation were the most popular procedures. Some, however, just wanted a pre-Christmas touch-up, surgeons said, such as Botox injections, collagen treatments and laser hair removal.
Christmas Gift Ideas Changing as Plastic Surgery Presents Surge
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 11:00 AM

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