Lillian Vernon Personalized Gifts eCatalog Soon Available on Company's Website
Direct marketing and retailer, Lillian Vernon, reports that it has recently implemented a full-service eCatalog solution on its newly launched e-commerce website. Lillian Vernon is one of the largest specialty gift catalog marketers in the United States, publishing six catalog titles, among which is a personalized gifts catalog showcasing its collection of personalized products available in the U.S. The company also sells personalized gifts in b2b and outlet store sectors.
Jonathan Shapiro, President of Lillian Vernon Corporation, stated "We wanted to provide our customers with an easy, intuitive way to shop our catalogs online. We chose Scene7's full service eCatalog solution for its project management expertise, world class hosting facilities, and unique automated production processes - which ensure that our eCatalogs are delivered on schedule and error free. This powerful combination made Scene7 an excellent choice to deliver our eCatalogs." Scene7 is a rich media platform provider that focuses on increasing revenues and enhancing visual communications via the web, email, displays and print, at the same time automating media production and delivery for its clients.
"We liked the flexibility that Scene7 offered," added Mr. Shapiro. "This gives us the ability to bring our eCatalog publishing in-house." A company spokesman from Lillian Vernon explained that their personalized gifts catalog will soon be added to the system.
Lillian Vernon Personalized Gifts eCatalog Soon Available on Company's Website
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 1:32 PM

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