Annual List of Christmas Gifts to Avoid Released by World Wide Fund for Nature
The World Wide Fund for Nature recently released their annual list of Christmas gifts consumers should avoid for gift giving over this year's holidays. The WWFN states that Christmas gifts to avoid include crocodile skin, coral jewellery and Beluga caviar if they want to enjoy a guilt-free holiday season.
The Swiss-based nature conservation group World Wide Fund for Nature included the three on a list of items it states promote "commercial exploitation that is endangering animal and plant species already threatened with extinction." Other Christmas gift ideas consumers are asked to avoid are purchasing tiger products or tigers for pets, sources stated.
"All international trade of tiger products, whether used in traditional Asian medicine, as souvenirs or for good luck charms, is illegal," the WWF added. "Ivory in any form should also be avoided, along with shahtoosh scarves from the hair of Tibetan antelopes, various cactus species and electrical appliances that consume large amounts of electricity while on standby."
Annual List of Christmas Gifts to Avoid Released by World Wide Fund for Nature
posted by daily-noise-news-syndicate-staff at 11:49 AM

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